Return to the Hill

Back and Better than Ever

As classes begin tomorrow, I ponder the relaxing break. I loved being home for the holidays, seeing my friends and family, and catching up on some much needed sleep, lol! I also worked a lot as a babysitter, so I was able to maintain a routine to an extent. While I really enjoyed my break, I am excited to begin the second semester grind and get back on the Hill.

Holy Cross is doing a staggered return to school plan due to the recent state of affairs with the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the first week of classes are online, I am going to stay home for the remote week and go to Holy Cross next weekend. I am looking forward to seeing my Holy Cross friends and create many more memories with them in the spring. I also cannot wait to get out of all of the Buffalo snow that we’ve gotten during the last couple of weeks! (Also currently mourning the loss of the Bills last night, but so proud of our team!!!)

Overall, my anticipation for the spring semester is reflective of the spirited environment of Holy Cross. I miss my friends. I miss my professors. Honestly, I miss a routine centered around schoolwork. I miss learning. I miss Crossroads. I miss the Jo. I miss my dorm room and all of my pictures that hang on my wall. I miss Holy Cross, and I am looking forward to a semester filled with fun, challenge, and many laughs.

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